this chart says the population of new orleans is close to half a million people. my understanding is that about 25% of the population is below poverty. the problem is that no is under water and i think we can assume that it will be many many months before they can fix the levee and pump out lake no. so thats half a million in long term displacement. there will be permanent damage to many buildings that are under water for any extended time. buildings will rot in place and/or mold will set in. there will be quick fix decisions to knock down vast neighborhoods. there will be a reevaluation about moving back to below sea level at all. for home owners many (most) do not have flood insurance. insurance companies will determine what is a wind damage knock down and what is a flood knock down. also i think there is potential for the ugly specter of imminent domaine kicking in. there is also that ugly practice of "rent to own" in no which keeps the renter eternally in reach of the carrot.
- bill 9-01-2005 6:34 pm

The Fillmore in SF was cleared out, even without a disaster. Wouldn't be surprised to see it in NO.

Did you see the comment by pResident Dumbfuck saying that no one predicted the levee would fail? That boy must have been kicked in the head by a horse.

- mark 9-01-2005 8:27 pm [add a comment]

ive been reading kos threads. even open threads for the first time. its been a pretty good source. i leave cnn running now full time. wh breifing going on now.
- bill 9-01-2005 8:37 pm [add a comment]

scotts dodging all sharp questions. saying hes leaving them to be answered in a 1;30 pm fema news conference later today. specific stuff like why wasnt rescue efforts federalized earlier or at all. this is an outrage.
- bill 9-01-2005 8:49 pm [add a comment]

He (McClellen) seems scared, doesn't he? Damn.

Fox cut away from the press briefing! Seemed like because their man was doing so poorly.

I'm reading Kos discussion threads for the first time as well. A lot of noise, but it's by far the best place I've found for information.
- jim 9-01-2005 8:58 pm [add a comment]

much wading through bush bashing and speculation. i sift for facts and news leads and any supportive news links. cnn just cut off the conf too.
- bill 9-01-2005 9:08 pm [add a comment]

- dave 9-01-2005 9:14 pm [add a comment]

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