It was a an amazing event that transcended all the predictable technofarian kitsch hairfarming badart trapppings & numinously culminatied with a dancing 100 year old Albert thanking us all for keeping his beautiful discovery alive. Mathias Brockers seminar: From Open Mind to Open Source: How The Sixties Counterculture Led to the Personal Computer & Unlimited Informaton, was especially resonant with the tireless work Jim has done here on the tree. Thanks Jim & love to you all.Through my German friend, the anthropologist Christian Ratsch, I was able to meet Albert & hand him his gift of a braid of Montana Sweetgrass, sacred medicine plant of the plains tribes. He thanked me with a luminosity I have never seen in a human. I learned that sweetgrass is called Freya's Grass in Europe & that the nearly exitnict European Bison is being restored in Germany. One world Wow. It was Friday the 13th of January, the most sacred date of the pagan European calender, Freya's Day, with a full moon over the Rhine & I'm telling you people wow o wow. I thought of all of you & was filled with gratitude & joy.

- Your Sorgenkind 1-17-2006 9:17 pm

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