Not only did Jim scramble my page (ok, he took me out for a super dinner at Clinton St to make up) but he had the wrong dates for everything. I'm a bit bummed, as I will be in Detroit from the 22nd to the 31st. I'll be back on that evening, but if the travellers are leaving that day, I fear I'll miss you. Ah well, I've got family to attend to. If anything changes, great! Otherwise, I'm sure you folks will have a great time, and my thoughts will be with you.
- alex 8-21-2000 6:08 pm

we are your family--miss you allready--jim can you skrew something of mine up i,m hungry
- Skinny 8-21-2000 10:43 pm [add a comment]

  • I'm all ditto too man !
    - bill 8-22-2000 9:11 pm [add a comment]

  • I think I've already fulfilled my quota for screw-ups this month.
    - jim 8-23-2000 12:18 am [add a comment]

    • Don't let yourself be limited by the quota, free yourself into the world of limitless screwups, feed the world.
      - jimlouis 8-23-2000 5:29 pm [add a comment]

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