Maybe you should check this out first.
- alex 9-15-2000 8:49 pm

At first glance that Emergency War Surgery site you referred me to would seem like quite the primer for one such as me entering the world of self surgery, but how seriously can I take a site which includes chapters on Craniocerebral injuries, Maxillofacial wounds and injuries, wounds and injuries of the Genitourinary Tract, and includes illustrations of wound profiles one might suffer from being hit with the lead from a .45 automatic, AK 47, .38 special, or the steel balls from a 12 gauge shotgun with #4 buckshot, but has nary a chapter for my perusal on the tiny but painful slivers of wood one might find inserted deep into his skin after a days work?
- jimlouis 9-16-2000 12:15 am [add a comment]

  • Just to be on the safe side, maybe you should cut your whole hand off. We're only talking about the left one, right?
    - alex 9-16-2000 1:46 am [add a comment]

    • Yeah but that's the one I...never mind.
      - jimlouis 9-16-2000 4:32 pm [add a comment]

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