This election is becoming more and more interesting by the day, 90 million votes cast and as of this minute the Florida recount is showing something like a 750 vote difference, in Bush's favor, but with those 19,000 discarded Palm Beach votes, and other irregularities which will undoubtedly begin showing up as the days pass (and it will have to be days now before this thing is decided), I think this election is proving to be more than I could have hoped for, win lose or draw. And they showed a picture of that "butterfly" ballot in the NO Times Picayune today, and although voting is not rocket science, that ballot was more confusing than it needed to be.
- jimlouis 11-09-2000 11:59 pm

Here's a good look at the ballot in question for anyone living under a rock.
- jim 11-10-2000 12:54 am [add a comment]

  • and whats that supposed to mean!!
    - Skinny 11-10-2000 7:22 am [add a comment]

    • yeah, rocks are people too !
      - bill 11-10-2000 5:43 pm [add a comment]

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