Thanks, folks. After disappointing the crowd on Tuesday, the bird was back today. This has been fun, if a bit crazy just to keep up with the email. On Sunday I actually got one demanding “where is this park? I’ve been driving up & down Shore Parkway for an hour!” Taxonomy and history are starting to come into focus, and it seems likely that this is the same bird seen in the northeast in ‘05 & ’06; how it came to the Americas and where it winters (Bahamas?) remain uncertainties. I did an interview for the Brooklyn Courier, which should be up soon. I’ll post assuming they don’t screw it up too bad. It seems like every time I see a bird-related story in the popular press it’s always got some basic facts totally wrong. Just today the NY Post has a story on Central Park wildlife which suggests that you’re going to see Glossy Ibis at the Harlem Meer. This is a species you’re lucky to get a flyover record of in any given year; on-the-ground observations are extremely rare. Worse than that, they illustrate it with a picture of a White Ibis (and other howlers…)
- alex 7-12-2007 2:20 am

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