I liked the "compromise plan" myself. But shouldn't it be Rocker instead of Clemens starting for the Repubs? And I know I heard that "short answer, no with an if. long answer, yes with a but" on T.V. last night. Where was it? Simpsons?
- jim 11-14-2000 7:06 pm

clemens is from texas and will do anything it takes to win. nolan ryan, another texan and friend of bush, would be another good choice. i think hes having some heart problems which would make him a good stand in for cheney. if the rocket fizzles, the first man out of the pen is ryan. cheney has an almost don zimmeresque quality. i think rockers been recruited by team buchanan. who would that leave for nader?? the only thing thats coming to me is sandy koufax but maybe thats wishful thinking.
- dave 11-14-2000 10:41 pm [add a comment]

  • Bill Lee? Mark Fydrich? (sp?)
    - jim 11-14-2000 11:59 pm [add a comment]

    • thats funny. both those guys came to my mind too. i was also thinking tug mcgraw whose a more obscure mets wacko pitcher.
      - dave 11-15-2000 1:41 am [add a comment]

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