Yes, it's a cult. I had to tell The Steve my personal contact information, including my phone number (555-1212), before I could use my new computer.

All is good so far. Some impressions:

- I had to double check the label on the box. It's so damn big I thought they slipped me a 17" rather than a 15". I typically buy the smallest thing Dell has on the market.

- I'm liking the backlit keyboard. Nice touch.

- Firefox on the Mac sure is a lot like Firefox on the PC. Unless there's a compelling reason to use Safari, I like having the same program.

- After a couple hiccups I got my new USB727 EVDO gizmo working with the Mac. I've been an EVDO user so long that I was overdue for Verizon's "new every two years" free upgrade. I think I'll get a little USB extender cable so the already wide computer isn't extra wide. The USB727 can take an external antenna -- an increasingly rare feature on cell phones -- which is nice for out of the way locations, such as my office at work. (Entirely too much Faraday caging going on in that building. The EVDO card should be fine, but phone calls are crackly.) BTW, EVDO Rev. A kicks butt. Should have upgraded a long time ago. DSL speed tests show 1 to 1.4 Mbps vs. typical performance of 200kbps with old card.

- Flash video works right out of the box.

- Built in speakers aren't bad.
- mark 8-29-2008 7:01 am

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