dont forget about temptation island. but ill actually be watching ken burns jazz (part 2) on pbs at 9. probably rebroadcast at midnight.
- dave 1-09-2001 10:50 pm

Yeah, PBS, part two, eight central, channel 12 on the multiband radio. I read some critcism that so much of the series brings the racial factor into the jazz equation, people saying Burns should have made up his mind, did he want to discuss racial problems in America or Jazz music?, but judging from last night's part one I think the racial insights are right on the money, and more than a little bit pertinent to the equation that is jazz music.
- jimlouis 1-10-2001 2:13 am [add a comment]

  • i havent read anything one way or the other. compared to 99% of what is on tv it is genius, thats my initial attitude. if anything, it could be more scholarly and have more jazz. they whittled (sp?) 1000 hours of footage down to 20. why not companion dvds of rare stuff thats pure performance.
    - dave 1-10-2001 2:27 am [add a comment]

Missed no.1 Monday but watched no.2 last night and despite a seamingly shallow swoop at Mr.Satchel Mouth Armstroung (film maker K. Burns seams to dumb down a little to his huge audience) the series in total should serve a greater purpose in providing a fair overview of what appears to me to be amoung the very most important things to happen in the 20 c. Saturday r 2 rerun them again i thin on ch.13. (?)
- bill 1-10-2001 6:15 pm [add a comment]

  • Yes, channel 13 (pbs in NYC) is going to run the entire series all at once on Saturday.
    - jim 1-10-2001 6:31 pm [add a comment]

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