I bet you dont like Winger either. ....or the Danielson Family Singers.

- bill 1-22-2001 7:51 pm

perhaps it betrays my cultural biases more than my religious but i like the danielson family while undoubtedly i would hate winger or whatever christian heavy metal rock band i was forced to consider. but maybe i just find that its funny how religions, especially christians in america, appropriate countercultural or merely immoral(wheres that understanding of semiotics when i need it?)motifs and recontextualize them to their own purposes despite the fact that the context of the message and that of the messenger arent necessarily unconflicting. plus, that conjured to mind how cigarette companies consider cigarettes "delivery systems" for nicotine. just as religions could consider music in its many forms a "delivery system" for their message.
- dave 1-22-2001 8:41 pm [2 comments]

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