I rent a house outside of the Durham, Chapel Hill area to a guy I worked with and this guy (and his wife) are pretty serious country folk and he told me some stories about an uncle who was/is a moonshiner in those remote western N.Carolina mountains (that part of the world were Georgia, N.Carolina, Tennessee, Virgina, and Kentucky sort of come together is amazing country), and if half of what he said is true then I agree that the authorities will never extract a God fearing abortion clinic bombing American from out of that area. Unless he just gets really careless, which is almost always the reason people get caught.
- jimlouis 2-17-2001 2:40 am

What if someone wants the reward money from americas most wanted tv show.....take the cash and move to Beverly. Hills that is....
- bill 2-20-2001 9:04 pm [1 comment]

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