whered you find that? been lurking at some corporate training seminars about interacting with your coworkers?
- dave 2-16-2001 9:35 pm

linda and i saw one in Amsterdam and i forgot about it until i developed a lost roll of film and boom memory is served did you see
- Skinny 2-17-2001 2:08 am [add a comment]

  • no i hadnt seen it. scary, those europeans. speaking of the big A, my landlord was planning a trip there in a few weeks. he was trolling for points of interest. maybe it would be best in email form (im a prude, yaknow)if anyones got some idears.
    - dave 2-17-2001 2:29 am [add a comment]

    • email me like what info
      - Skinny 2-17-2001 3:19 am [add a comment]

      • not exactly sure -- places to go to eat or to veg. mostly veg. anything unusual that you found. hes not master of the arts of the art of discernment but hes not entirely disinterested.
        - dave 2-17-2001 3:32 am [add a comment]

        • best meal is Lucius (fish spot) something like www.lucius.nl
          - Skinny 2-17-2001 3:34 am [add a comment]

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