While I'm not, unfortunately, an expert on Carnivale I'll guess that it is a fixed number of days before the start of Lent which begins forty days before Easter which moves around on the calendar thanks to the moon. Carnivale concludes with Fat Tuesday the day before Ash Wednesday, the start of lent. The aim of the Easter Dating Method is to maintain, for each Easter Sunday, the same season of the year and the same relationship to the preceding astronomical full moon that occurred at the time of his resurrection in 30 A.D. The web site of the Astronomical Society of South Australia www.assa.org.au/edm offers a good explanation of this and exactly how it works and the history of it. Presumably, one could use this information to predict the beginning of Carnivale for any year past or present.
- elisabeth 2-20-2001 9:11 pm

I think at one time I had known that it was tied to a full moon but I may have blocked it out of my mind, perhaps thinking I had misinterpreted information which casted sort of a pagan light on what is mostly presented as a non-pagan faith/ritual, Christianity that is.
- jimlouis 2-21-2001 1:48 pm [add a comment]

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