Is this the same Steve I met at tree party (tree party, that reminds me of Go Dog Go, best book I've ever read) and who is also my sometimes voodoo counselor, or different Steve, either way, nice work, and, hey Tom Moody, of course if this is the same Steve I met at tree party and you've seen Hannibal on the big screen what do you think of that Anthony Hopkins imitation of Edgar Oliver--"Goody, goody."???
- jimlouis 2-21-2001 10:33 am

hmmmm, responded to this (I think) but it didn't seem to post. In the event that I am repeating myself, please forgive me. Yes, I am the same Steve, howdy. It's testament to Edgar's talent if Anthony Hopkins is familiar with his material. Of course there are those cynics out there who will moan that it's another instance where an aging, once great actor has cashed in on the Hollywood Cow, becme lazy, swiped the material of a relative unknown and reduced it to crappy shit. And that S.O.L.2 is another cheesy sequal to a pretty good movie. But I wouldn't listen to them. Congradulations Edgar.
- steve 2-21-2001 5:24 pm [add a comment]

  • Yeah, critics and cynics, whaddayagonna do?, I think Hollywood flickering is an underrated art form, mostly due I suspect to the disrespect real artists have for all the Ruth and Velmas in the audience who don't appreciate and can't afford "real art." Hannibal is good, not great, but solidly good. Anthony Hopkins played the part written for him as well as it could be played. He was entertaining. And Julianne Moore whom I've never been crazy about and towards whom I went in with predudice against (because against better judgement I like Jody Foster), was outstanding. I've never not liked a Gary Oldman role. Anyway, "goody goody" is not trademarked phrase, or obviously only used by Edgar Oliver, but I think whoever knows Edgar would immediately think of him upon hearing Mr. Hopkin's delivery. Hey, imitation is the highest form of flattery (?)
    - jimlouis 2-22-2001 4:05 am [add a comment]

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