One review I read claimed The Matrix was loosely inspired by Dick's Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch. Instead of colonists living under the Martian desert you had "human batteries" floating in amniotic fluid; instead of Perky Pat layouts you had a fantasy world of consumer electronics and high-tech cubicles. In both scenarios "the system" keeps you amused while using you up.
- Tom Moody 2-25-2001 7:20 am

Hmmmmm I read the book but don't remember anythng about it at all. I heard that The Matrix was based on The Odyssey which make sence (not that I ever read that one)
- steve 2-25-2001 11:32 am [add a comment]

I thought the Matrix was a swipe of Grant Morrisons comic The Invisibles (requires javascript.) Or at least, that's what he says.
- jim 2-25-2001 6:28 pm [8 comments]

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