heres one more angle from the new york observer. even the limoliberals cant hold their noses anymore while rudi ridesroughshod over human decency. funny thing. i was at this minibarnes and noble in the west village. actually while i was there i overheard someone say "this is a barnes and noble?" apparently they had just swallowed up an old doubleday bookstore. which is why there was only one bench to sit on in the entire store. remember those days when there was no place to sit in a bookstore? anyway, im looking at a book of photographs of newyorks innards - its watermain tunnels and bridge anchorages and such. then i notice some uniformed soul decides to slouch next to me. at first i thought he was probably a security guard but when he took his hat off and put it on the bench i began to suspect that the billyclub wasnt the only thing attached to his belt. unfortunately there isnt much to this story. i wanted to ask him about the dorismund incident. oh yeah, he was black and with a pleasant demeanor as far as i could tell. he apologized to me as i moved my bag to give us more space. for some reason the image of my bag touching his hat was unsettling, i figured we needed a buffer zone. anyway never did i broach the subject or any other. in fact i was soon cruising the aisles with renewed vigor. the german girl in gogo boots asking for neil postmans "amusing ourselves to death" was more compelling as was kurzweils "the age of spiritual machines" which i bought along with jared diamonds "guns germs and steal: the fate of human societies". so now theres nothing stopping me from reading. ive got 4 fresh books just itching for a light reader like myself to defile their bindings. look out world -- or is that look in?
- dave 3-23-2000 1:54 pm

I'd be interested to hear what you think about the Kurzweil.
- jim 3-23-2000 5:31 pm [add a comment]

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