Very eventful storm. At first I was bummed that my ergonomic snow shovel that I've had for more than 10 years broke. So early this morning I made my way to the rinky dink hardware store where the guy lives in the back knowing he would be open, about 6am. On my way there I found a woman half buried in snow without shoes and her pants half way down. She was frozen with her arms stuck out in front of her her but alive no doubt. I unburied her with my hands and brought her in to help her. I did call an abulance but guess got stuck. The thing is the city has NOT plowed my street at all! The snow drifts go across the entire street from one car hood to the next. Its insane. I researched stuff online and after 3 hours she seemed ok so I took her home dressed in some of my old clothes and shoes and when we got there her sister started yelling at her saying she told her not to go out last night. I think I looked frozen at that point. The ambulance is still stuck around the corner. I got a new shovel and it sucks! Its metal and the snow doesnt want to come off of it. It freezes so every time you have to bang it on something rather than flinging it.
- ken 12-27-2010 4:07 pm

thats crazy....your good karma points are way way up!!
- Skinny 12-27-2010 4:21 pm [add a comment]

Nice job Ken.
- jim 12-27-2010 4:24 pm [add a comment]

Hats of to you Ken. An amazing story but I feel like it's mine after Lucy's grilling. Why was she frozen? What was she wearing? What did she look like? What was she doing outside? What was her name? Why was she frozen?...
- steve 12-28-2010 4:38 am [add a comment]

  • Funny because Eleanor had a million questions too. Did you feed her?, Why didnt she have shoes?, Where was she going?, What was her name?...unfortunately I didnt have an answer for a lot of the questions.
    - ken 12-28-2010 5:06 pm [add a comment]

They could use you on Mount Everest.
- alex 12-28-2010 12:51 pm [add a comment]

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