The crocusses are sproutiing up in JC but no blossems get. I also saw a bluejay on my fire escape yesterday.
- bill 3-01-2001 2:04 pm

Blue Jays you can find any day of the year, but a crocus is something to croak about. If I can get hold of that camera, maybe we'll see some soon. Which reminds me of one of the all-time great pseudonyms: Pere Ubu's large but gentle vocalist, David Thomas, used to call himself Crocus Behemoth.
- alex 3-01-2001 6:53 pm [add a comment]

  • Don't need to tell you, alex, but them crocuses in beds facing south first started showing a little young asapragus like Crocus activity in JC while the last snows were still on the ground. They were revealed as snow began melting away from dark brown heat retaining soil of southerly facing beds.

    - bill 3-01-2001 8:02 pm [add a comment]

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