Wait a minute, does this mean that we have to actually view and comment on the sucky movies that are released? Sounds expensive and frustrating ;-)
I was planning on doing a movie section on my page but think Bill's idea is a better one.
Now I can focus on a links page to film tech, movie and director web sites etc.
- steve 3-03-2001 5:50 am

I definetly plan on doing a mpeg and Flash section on my page.
- steve 3-03-2001 8:51 am [add a comment]

  • I didn't mean to suggest any hard fast rules subject wise. Things get cross posted around here on purpose and otherwise w/out prolem all the time. All I got by way of a name is : Cine-Fin

    - bill 3-04-2001 12:51 am [add a comment]

    • Yes. Cross posting. Bad in the usenet world. But good here. And much moreso in the next system. Data should be pointed to from a variety of places; this increases the chances of you being able to locate something in the future. Steve's movies on his page, of course, but maybe they can also be on a master list on the movie page (I'm still thinking cinefiles in my mind, but waiting to sense some convergence out there.) Although my guess would be that the page would be more discussion of others work, rather than showcasing our own. That said, I can't wait to see Steve get into Flash. And I've been steadily negotiating for the movie rights since day one. Some actual digital media on the digital media tree? Unbelievable.
      - jim 3-04-2001 1:05 am [add a comment]

      • warhol

        - bill 3-04-2001 4:40 am [add a comment]

        • series
          - bill 3-04-2001 4:42 am [add a comment]

        • series
          - bill 3-04-2001 4:44 am [add a comment]

        • Heads up Bill, my first eBay spoils
          - steve 3-04-2001 6:11 am [add a comment]

          • Did you really get that stuff? Nice. I've been staying out of the movie conversations (well, not counting that random crouching tiger plug,) but Faces is some good stuff. That one I really liked.
            - jim 3-04-2001 7:14 am [add a comment]

            • Yeah, I was/am amazed at how cheap these cards are. I don't know what to do with them though.
              Funny thing about movies, how a few make me want a physical piece of them. Cassavetes films do that to me, as does Kubric's 2001.
              I don't really understand this impulse. Whereas collecting silver age Marvel comics makes total sense to me.
              Anyhoo, "FACES" is one of my all time fave movies. Jim, have you seen "SHADOWS"?
              - steve 3-04-2001 8:29 am [add a comment]

            • Great group of Face posters. Good catch. ebay is a great image source, even if you don't win the hard copy.
              - bill 3-04-2001 8:54 am [add a comment]

              • The one item that I constantly search for is a replacement for a lost "Endless Summer" poster that I had bought as kid. It was way oversized (much much larger than the actual movie poster and with saturated silk-screened day glow florecent ink and they drop the movie text (credits etc). I've seen plenty of the real original movie posters and plenty smaller repro versions of the one I had. But not my poster ! The search continues, maybe by the year 2525 if man is still alive......

                also thats not my bid on the warhol stills so their up for grabs but wouldn't go much over their present cost.

                and I double posted "series" (above) by mistake, lurkers don't get edit options.
                - bill 3-04-2001 5:35 pm [add a comment]

                • atten : jim 31 comments must be a record
                  - Skinny 3-05-2001 2:38 am [add a comment]

                  • Yes, I'm sure it is. I just swapped in a new script I wrote for the discussion page. I'm not totally happy with the formatting, but at least now I can see this page. I'm not sure if it was a navigator problem or if it was happening to everyone, but this thread had too many levels of nesting. My machine would choke if I tried to load in the whole thread. Too many nested tables. Now it's all done with lists and works no problem for me (much quicker, actually.) Even when I go to the top of this thread. Anyway, I'm still researching if I can get those squares to go away. Working...
                    - jim 3-06-2001 3:13 am [add a comment]

                    • not sure about anyone else but i think the script may have wacked out the discussion pages - all large bold font and the comments are way over to the right in a skinny table column...
                      - linda 3-06-2001 3:28 am [1 comment]

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