It was just that Mexican film stock, and the film was just an excuse for Buckley's usual drug screed. I like Buckley, his stuff's even less readable than mine.
- alex 3-18-2001 4:22 am

i dont think it was the mexicans. the tape started with the movie in progress. whoever was holding the camera was still adjusting the zoom to frame the picture and you could see people walking down the aisle to their seats in front of the screen. good for a laugh, not for viewing however.
- dave 3-18-2001 5:15 am [add a comment]

  • alex was making a joke about the Soderbergh's use of grainy film stock for the mexico scenes. with your copy the entire movie was set in tijuana.
    - Tom Moody 3-18-2001 5:19 am [add a comment]

    • i was not unaware of the humor (can we ever forget steves rant about the banality of the use of alternate filmstocks for the mexican scenes?) but i thought i would use the occasion as an excuse to vent upon the shabbiness of my purchase. as for the article itself, alex was probably right, it was more about buckley and drugs than the movie, but with such a spiffy new file, i would try to find reasons to use it. in reality, i should have read the piece before commenting anyway. although having done so, i would stand by my original organizing principles. did i mention i do a mean william f buckley impersonation?
      - dave 3-18-2001 5:50 am [add a comment]

      • Actually it was my rant about alternating film stocks. Steve made the excellent point that what worked in the Wizard of Oz wasn't necessarily right for this Hard-Hitting Movie That Changes The Way We Think About Drugs.
        - Tom Moody 3-18-2001 6:33 am [add a comment]

        • leaping before i looked again. but now i see why i thought that. i read your comments about the movie only after steve had taken it upon himself to move the post to the main trunk of the treehouse. if you look at that post, only steves name is attached to it and thus the confusion. not that the post makes sense but that never stopped anyone from posting before.
          - dave 3-18-2001 7:03 am [add a comment]

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