I agree with Jim that we need to set a better example. A visitor from space would look at our own country and say: "How can you justify keeping a sizeable percentage of your minority population in concentration camps?" To which we would say, "Those aren't camps, silly, those are prisons." To which the alien would say: "What was the crime so many of your minority population has committed?" "You know, they took drugs and stuff. They got high." "And what do they do in prison?" "You know, make license plates, answer phones for the DMV [true!], stuff like that." "And this is not slave labor?"

Anyway, you get my drift.

And I know this sounds terrible, but I don't give a flying fig if Saddam nukes the Saudi oilfields. As long as Americans have plenty of warning to evacuate. If our Intel tells us he's building ICBM missile silos so he can hit the US, then--and only then--will it be OK for us to tell the Israelis to "let rip." (God knows, we oughta get some return all the money we've paid them.) But for us to be invading? As Paddy Chayefsky would say: "Madness. Virulent madness."

I realize this is all academic, as I go to the laundry and see a B-2 bomber pilot being fawningly interviewed on Fox News, with the caption "Target Iraq" at the bottom of the screen. Canada's looking better and better.
- tom moody 12-22-2002 12:20 am

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