Nice, I saw them once (the Northern Lights, not sun spots or Hocus Pocus)
It was in Aug 1993 on San Juan Island, Wa. I was with my family, none of us had ever seen them before. They were ellusive, as a display was finishing we would suddenly realize that it was happening at that moment, and that it had been going on for half a minute or so, using our sence of recall was the best way to see them. As we processed the information of what we had just seen we would realize that another, even more spectacular display was occuring. Like viewing the Pleidies, best seen when looking indirectly at them. Though with the Aurora's case, the role of time replaced the role of light.
My father commented on it so I know it wasn't just me. (Yes, the whole family IS nuts.)
Anyway, seems like this is a good year for night sky gazing.
- steve 4-04-2001 12:22 am

I always wanted to use that Ballard quote.(g)
- steve 4-04-2001 3:27 am [add a comment]

  • "Hocus Pocus" was the song, Focus was the band. It was one of the few Dutch pop songs to chart in the States ("Radar Love" was the more obvious choice). I don't remember the melody, I only remember it had yodeling in it (and no violin).
    - Tom Moody 4-04-2001 4:59 am [add a comment]

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