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Jim had mentioned he thought the tree was expanding (by two branches) but wouldn't tip his hand till he was sure. Last week Steve (you know him, you love him) loaded in with his excellent product and it looks like, as of this a.m. my friend Tom Moody hopped on board as well. I met Tom through Mark (artist and dada-punk guitarist) and Laurie (demented playwrite), (M & L r both Marianne Nowottny's handlers). Tom is an artist now working in the digital medium, has curated major shows and his critical writings on art have been published by many of the top magazines in that field. He also is a techknow dj and infallible speller. please make him welcome or what ever....

- bill 2-21-2001 3:50 pm [link] [1 ref] [1 comment]

who is this?

- dave 2-21-2001 3:30 am [link] [add a comment]

I still can't figure out what to do about Steve's page not registering in the new post tracker (because he's not really making new posts, he's just using 'edit this page' to add/change the links on the side bar.) This isn't a problem, per se, I just can't think of how to integrate this easily, and of course I want to know when he puts up more of those designs (especially without loading in the 100k+ page everytime I want to check.) Anyway, there's a new one. Check it out.
- jim 2-20-2001 7:45 pm [link] [2 comments]

looks like they dug some big old bell out of the bowels of the building they are renovating nextdoor. i wish i could grab (or date) it but looks like its a couple hundred pounds. (imagine picture here)
- dave 2-20-2001 6:01 pm [link] [1 comment]