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feel the love
- dave 2-22-2001 10:09 pm [link] [1 comment]

Looking for input from any and all, but the current plan has me and Bill (at least) meeting for drinks after work tomorrow (Friday) at around 5:30, at the Local. Join us. (No, I don't mean fasten us together. No I don't mean enter our cult. You know what I mean. OK, I do mean join our cult, but really, no pressure...)
- alex 2-22-2001 5:27 pm [link] [5 comments]

Big Grey pack of lies :

Sure it's all lies, but burried somewhere in the paper there is usually a truely weird article. A while back I tore this article out and now I want it back but dont want to pay for it (sample from archive for $) :

Kentucky Doctors Warn Against a Regional Dish: Squirrels' Brains


Doctors in Kentucky have issued a warning that people should not eat squirrel brains, a regional delicacy, because squirrels may carry a variant of mad cow disease that can be transmitted to humans and is fatal. Although no squirrels have been tested ...

August 29, 1997, Friday National Desk , 937 words

- bill 2-22-2001 4:04 pm [link] [add a comment]

ghenghis conned

another reasonably average mindlessly blissless day shot to hell by the specter of impending bad news. had a small horde of chinese businessmen and women circling my apartment like ravenous buzzards eyeing a choice decaying morsel. you know its trouble when theyve got the tape measure out. and now that we are leaseless, its just one word and we are gone. looks like its time to draft the plan of last resort before i start crying about having to move again. did i mention i hate people?

I wouldn't say that you've mentioned your misanthropy in so many words but it is an intuited part of your presented mindset. For the most part I would say many people are worthy of your hatred, but it seems to me it is this angst against humanity that is the better part of your essence and so I think you should happily (while being angry) roll with the specter of Chinese doom.

No doubt you are right about the meaning of tape measure. If they start upchucking cornices, you should be proactive, and flee.
- jimlouis 2-22-2001 1:41 am [link] [add a comment]

Jim had mentioned he thought the tree was expanding (by two branches) but wouldn't tip his hand till he was sure. Last week Steve (you know him, you love him) loaded in with his excellent product and it looks like, as of this a.m. my friend Tom Moody hopped on board as well. I met Tom through Mark (artist and dada-punk guitarist) and Laurie (demented playwrite), (M & L r both Marianne Nowottny's handlers). Tom is an artist now working in the digital medium, has curated major shows and his critical writings on art have been published by many of the top magazines in that field. He also is a techknow dj and infallible speller. please make him welcome or what ever....

- bill 2-21-2001 3:50 pm [link] [1 ref] [1 comment]