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LibraryThing is an online service to help people catalog their books easily. Because everyone catalogs together, you can also use LibraryThing to find people with similar libraries, get suggestions from people with your tastes and so forth.

- jim 5-27-2006 6:46 pm [link] [add a comment]

schwarz v fink

3:00 AM - Ken Burns Presents: Professional Wrestling (part 10) Nothing really expresses the repressed homosexual longing at the heart of the American experience quite like the sight of beefy men in mustaches and tights groaning and grimacing as they gallop and heave against each other for an audience of young men who put their posters on their walls. How many professional wrestling characters would look out of place in the Village People? (Answer: zero.) Ken Burns brings this uniquely American activity to life in his own inimitable style. Today’s episode: Koko B. Ware breaks the parrot barrier, and ushers in a new era in wrestling pets.

9:00 PM - Ken Burns Presents: Strat-O-Matic Baseball (Episode 4) Perhaps nothing expresses the repetitive, soulless horror of the American experience quite like Strat-O-Matic Baseball, which is a baseball game you can play with dice, a crap load of cards and pieces of paper, and a rule book the size of Detroit. Big big nerds like George Will relive their favorite Strat-O-Matic memories, like that one time the bases were loaded with two out in the ninth and Gary Carter was up against Bob Stanley, and he rolled a 6-2-3 and hit a homerun and it was awesome! Peter Gammons lives in a baseball-shaped house, his bed is shaped like home plate, and he has a scrapbook of his most memorable Strat-O-Matic box scores. You think I’m kidding, but if you think about it for a minute and you’ll know it’s true. In tonight’s episode, the lefty vs. righty advantage is factored in to the rules. But will switch hitting be properly balanced?

- dave 5-27-2006 6:39 pm [link] [1 comment]

Storm chasing photos.
- jim 5-27-2006 5:52 pm [link] [1 comment]