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Mr. Wilson, your skills might be needed in the war on terror:

German authorities thought they heard a bird chirping in one of Bin Laden's audiotapes this year, and brought in ornithologists to identify the species — and its habitat — according to reports in the German media.
"And I would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for you meddling ornithologists!"
- jim 12-28-2004 6:31 pm [link] [1 comment]

CA to dmt: Happy Holidays
- mark 12-28-2004 1:49 am [link] [1 comment]

u.s. to world : fuck you

- bill 12-22-2004 6:06 pm [link] [7 comments]

comment spam on Movable Type blogs is straining servers

T.Whid has more
- tom moody 12-20-2004 8:40 pm [link] [2 comments]

"The right stuff," "radical chic," and "the Me Decade" (sometimes altered to "the Me Generation") all became popular phrases, but Wolfe seems proudest of "good ol' boy," which he introduced to the written language in a 1964 article in Esquire about Junior Johnson, the North Carolina stock car racing driver, which was called "The Last American Hero."

- bill 12-20-2004 5:33 am [link] [add a comment]

blogel with a schmear

- bill 12-19-2004 8:06 pm [link] [add a comment]

home star runner

- bill 12-17-2004 6:00 pm [link] [2 comments]

media matters for america

- bill 12-16-2004 11:33 pm [link] [add a comment]

media matters

- bill 12-16-2004 11:32 pm [link] [1 ref] [add a comment]

In an interview with UPI about his new best seller "The Blank Slate," Professor of Psychology Steven Pinker was asked about his voluminous curly hair. The interviewer thought Pinker looked like musicians Peter Frampton, Roger Daltrey and Robert Plant, and philosopher Baruch Spinoza. Pinker saw more similarity to Mark Bolan from the band T. Rex, conductor Simon Rattle, jazz guitarist Pat Metheny and "Bruno," the pianist on the television series "Fame."

- sally mckay 12-16-2004 2:03 am [link] [add a comment]

in case you missed it over at tmn: My friend, on the payment of a further sum, obtained a curious little box which contained some small black lozenges, consisting of the resin of hemp, henbane, crushed datura seeds, butter, and honey, and known in India as Majoon, amongst the Moors as El Mogen.
- linda 12-14-2004 6:57 pm [link] [add a comment]

buy blue

- bill 12-13-2004 10:35 pm [link] [1 ref] [add a comment]

The question is whether the Pentagon and military should undertake an official program that uses disinformation to shape perceptions abroad. But in a modern world wired by satellite television and the Internet, any misleading information and falsehoods could easily be repeated by American news outlets.

- bill 12-13-2004 5:01 pm [link] [2 comments]

BitTorrent Gives Hollywood a Headache
Dec. 12, 2004 | LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Bram Cohen didn't set out to upset Hollywood movie studios. But his innovative online file-sharing software, BitTorrent, has grown into a piracy problem the film industry is struggling to handle.

- tom moody 12-13-2004 1:45 am [link] [1 ref] [add a comment]

1906 aerial photographs, taken from a kite, of the aftermath of the San Fransisco earthquake.
- jim 12-11-2004 6:56 pm [link] [2 comments]

"There is no historic preservation district or landmarks commission for hawks' nests. But if there were, the red-tailed hawk's nest at 927 Fifth Avenue, overlooking Central Park at 74th Street, would surely have qualified. Until Tuesday, the nest stood on a 12th-floor cornice with a sublime aerial view of the urban forest in our midst. Since 1993, 23 young hawks have been raised there, sired by a bird called Pale Male. Thousands and thousands of bird-watchers over the years have followed the lives of the hawks in that nest. But this is not an homage to bird-watching - it's an homage to birds.

On Tuesday, workers took down the nest and, apparently, the metal anti-pigeon spikes that had helped hold it in place. So far, no one from 927 Fifth Avenue has spoken up to defend the co-op board's decision to remove the nest. Perhaps residents were annoyed that the hawks didn't do a better job of cleaning up after themselves by using a pooper-scooper or putting their pigeon bones in the trash, the way a human would. Perhaps they simply wearied of the stirring sight of a red-tailed hawk coming down out of the sky to settle on its nest.

It's always tempting to think that a city like New York has utterly effaced the natural ground on which it was built. Most of the creatures that lived on Manhattan Island several centuries ago would stand no chance of doing so now - not in these new canyons of steel and glass. But the presence of a nesting pair of red-tailed hawks, sequestered on the edge of an apartment building, feels like a memory from a past this city has long since forgotten.

The hawks have gone out of their way to learn to live with us. The least the wealthy residents of 927 Fifth Avenue could have done was learn to live with the hawks."

-nyt op-ed pg 12/9/04
- bill 12-09-2004 3:18 pm [link] [25 comments]

design your own superhero.
- dave 12-08-2004 6:44 pm [link] [add a comment]

Typical ideological confusion in today’s Post regarding the baseball steroids issue. They feature this op-ed from a right-wing think-tanker taking a libertarian position: “so what’s the problem?” At the same time they have yet another editorial condemning the scourge, following up their “throw the bum out” rants about Giambi. Personal freedom and non-regulation are always good, except when they’re not. Does this represent a diversity of opinion, or just the ever useful ability to hold contradictory positions at the same time, which serves politicians and moralists so well?
- alex 12-07-2004 10:45 pm [link] [1 comment]


- bill 12-06-2004 2:14 am [link] [1 comment]

"Have you ever dreamed of being carried into the sky by a giant bouquet of colorful toy balloons?"
- jim 12-04-2004 6:38 pm [
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a magazine for gothams most notorious butt sniffers
- dave 12-04-2004 1:07 am [link] [add a comment]

living under fascism parts 1 and 2

- bill 12-02-2004 9:17 pm [link] [2 comments]


pictures of protest from the great white north

- bill 12-02-2004 6:20 pm [link] [1 comment]

"The very reason Mr. Bush had the luxury of launching a war of necessity in Afghanistan and a war of choice in Iraq, without a second thought, was because of the surpluses built up by the previous administration and Congress. Since then, the Bush team has been slashing taxes in the middle of two wars, weakening the dollar and amassing a huge debt burden - on the implicit assumption that nothing will go wrong in the future.

But what if there is another 9/11 or war of necessity? We're cooked. The tax revenue won't be there, so the only option will be more borrowing and a weaker dollar. But what happens if the Chinese and other foreigners, who now hold over 40 percent of our Treasury securities, decide they don't want to hold these depreciating dollars anymore, let alone buy more?"

this has been pretty self evident for a long time. like since the idea of invading iraque originally came up. where does friedman come off with that "It is now clear to me..." shit. didnt he skip covering "the most important presidential election of our lifetime" to sell his book ? after giving bush two thumbs up for the preemptive war in iraque!
- bill 12-02-2004 5:57 pm [link] [add a comment]

anyone aware of a good digital photography blog. one that discussed cameras ? im seriously thin king of getting the leica d-lux. i know the draw back, only 3mp. but good lens. small but not too damn small and of decent heft. a camera for life ? all the google results direct you to resources and resources posing as reviews.

- bill 11-30-2004 6:48 pm [link] [17 comments]