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woodgrain CDs (via Travis)
- tom moody 2-25-2007 2:33 am [link] [add a comment]

well hello there betty

- bill 2-24-2007 7:06 pm [link] [1 ref] [3 comments]

Beavers are back in NYC.
- jim 2-23-2007 11:25 pm [link] [1 ref] [3 comments]


- bill 2-20-2007 5:43 pm [link] [1 ref] [1 comment]

hey tom, you seen anything?

- bill 2-16-2007 5:47 pm [link] [1 comment]

just noticed that the two boxes of garbage bags in my possession have some odd amounts of bags per box. they have 17 and 22 respectively. this one has 64. i cant think of any other product so randomly configured.
- dave 2-16-2007 4:52 pm [link] [1 comment]

Nevertheless, Judge Haight — at times invoking the mythology of the ancient Greeks and of Harold Ross, the founding editor of The New Yorker — used blunt language to characterize the Police Department’s activities.

“There is no discernible justification for the apparent disregard of the guidelines” in his 2003 court order, he said. These spell out the broad circumstances under which the police could investigate political gatherings.

Under the guidelines, the police may conduct investigations — including videotaping — at political events only if they have indications that unlawful activity may occur, and only after they have applied for permission to the deputy commissioner in charge of the Intelligence Division.

Judge Haight noted that the Police Department had not produced evidence that any applications for permission to videotape had ever been filed.

- bill 2-16-2007 4:12 pm [link] [add a comment]

Photoshop tutorial for turning a photograph into fake miniature environment.

Discussion thread from a remote controlled toy airplane board where the members take aerial photos from their planes and then use the above technique on them. Tons of examples.

fake miniature environment - docks

- jim 2-12-2007 11:51 pm [link] [add a comment]

Publisher Arthur Sulzberger on the future of the NY Times print edition:

"I really don't know whether we'll be printing the Times in five years, and you know what? I don't care, either," he says. He's looking at how best to manage the transition from print to Internet.
"Internet is a wonderful place to be and we're leading there," he adds. The Times has doubled its online readership, and now has 1.1 million subscribing to the print edition - and 1.5 million readers online, each day.
The New York Times is on a journey, Sulzberger says, and its end will be the day the company decides to stop printing the paper. That will be the end of the transition.

- jim 2-08-2007 5:22 pm [link] [2 refs] [4 comments]

I have nieces and great nieces young enough so that I occasionally might find myself shopping for Barbies, and now, finally (if only it were true), I can purchase the Barbie that represents my earliest days, oh those simpler times over on East Kiest in South Oak Cliff. That's right, I'm talking about Oak Cliff Barbie.
- jimlouis 2-03-2007 6:02 pm [link] [add a comment]

This, by the way, is why Google bought YouTube last year: So it could turn legal threats like this into money-making deals, so Google becomes a de facto redistribution channel for publishers like Viacom.

- bill 2-03-2007 4:52 pm [link] [2 comments]

remember the last yat (w/ steve) when those unmarked cops pulled over two cars in a row on clinton street? well.
- bill 2-03-2007 2:54 pm [link] [add a comment]

watch out where the huskies go...
- steve 2-03-2007 8:52 am [link] [4 comments]

5:15 and its not dark! i like this part of the year with the days getting longer. snow and rain expected.

- bill 2-02-2007 1:15 am [link] [19 comments]

The last? very old new Dick
- jimlouis 1-28-2007 12:20 am [link] [1 comment]

Are you experienced? Have you ever been commercialized?
- jimlouis 1-24-2007 6:19 pm [link] [10 comments]

hey deadheads!

- bill 1-19-2007 10:13 pm [link] [1 comment]

monster mash
- dave 1-13-2007 6:35 am [link] [3 comments]

123 orchard st circa 20's ? w/ push carts

- bill 1-12-2007 9:28 pm [link] [1 comment]

Keep the lasagna flying: Robert Anton Wilson, R.I.P..

I'm never sure whether to be embarrassed or not that Wilson's The Illuminatus Trilogy was the book that had the biggest impact on my thinking. I was so sad when I finished because I wanted it to go on forever. I wish he could have as well.
- jim 1-11-2007 11:28 pm [link] [1 ref] [12 comments]

sad tree news from Oregon
- mb 1-08-2007 9:53 pm [link] [8 comments]

anyone smell gas? i caught an out doors wiff (wafft?) here in jc about 9:30 this am?

see here /
- bill 1-08-2007 6:23 pm [link] [13 comments]

life on mars
- bill 1-08-2007 5:17 pm [link] [2 comments]

Picture of 188 Suffolk St. being power washed (via kottke.) Yikes. Makes me think of when Steve's nephew (?) came to visit NYC for the first time and at the end of the trip Steve asked him what he thought about the City. After thinking about it for a moment he said: "It's dirty."
- jim 1-05-2007 10:01 pm [link] [2 comments]

"Why Do You Think You Are Nuts?" [YouTube]

- tom moody 1-03-2007 10:18 pm [link] [1 comment]