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I haven't done a goldurn thing since my return from NY. I haven't even entered the Rocheblave house. I wonder if there is an online procrastinators support group? What am I asking, of course there is. Maybe I'll look in to that tomorrow not.

Shelton got kicked out of McDonough HS (John Mac) for hitting a security guard in an act of chivalry. He went to Juvie Jail and a drug dealing cousin came to rescue and signed him out, pissing off more importantly than me, Mandy, who is the guardian of record. Shelton was read the riot act by Mandy and is now in Jail 2646. I am trying, for my part, to be a gentler, kinder, more loving warden, and am letting him listen louder than I care for, more rap than I care for.

I read the Stephen King, Hearts of Atlantis, and thought only the King could get such a loosely edited work published, I love him though, but think he is still trying to get that novel rejected as a highschooler published, which he already has, but obviously not to his satisfaction. Its that Dark Towers theme haunting him.

Not to avoid more important work or trying to avoid the still persistent heat/humidity, I have picked up Theodore Dreiser's An American Tragedy, one of those important works by one of those important writers who were writing/experimenting their asses off during the twenties. Some call it the most poorly written great novel of all time. I am finding it worth the effort. But all of this is besides the point, what I really logged on for was to...
- jimlouis 9-15-2000 7:12 pm [link] [1 ref] [4 comments]

Unsupervised children destroy a Buddhist sand mandala. Mandals (which include Western alchemical emblems) are visual compressions of complex spiritual ideas. Today's highly compressed computer technology is now taking them the other way, as in this illusion of a three dimensionalized mandala, from Cornell's computer graphics site.
- alex 9-15-2000 3:36 pm [link] [1 comment]

i heard screamingmedia was written up in the (a) recent wired mag... anyone see a copy?
- linda 9-15-2000 12:54 am [link] [5 comments]

for those whom like to travel
- Skinny 9-14-2000 3:51 pm [link] [add a comment]

i'd love to go back to amsterdam maybe for thanksgiving???
- Skinny 9-14-2000 12:11 pm [link] [add a comment]

- Skinny 9-14-2000 12:00 pm [link] [add a comment]

my life before grof, from one site jim turned me on to
- Skinny 9-14-2000 11:51 am [link] [3 comments]

I don't usually buy into theories that try to prove biblical veracity in material terms, at least not when we're talking about Genesis, but this story is based on responsible science, and keeps getting more interesting. I still think that floods are a pan-human experience, but a big enough one might go down in (pre)history. Then again, maybe Noah was Chinese.
- alex 9-13-2000 6:16 pm [link] [1 comment]

Now this is pretty funny. Democrats are accusing the Bush campaign of using subliminal messages in their advertising. Seems unlikely to me, but the demographic that believes in such things should not be underestimated. After half a century of semiologists teaching us to read the deep structures in undisguised messages, you'd think we'd know better, but some folks would rather smell a rat than see one.
- alex 9-12-2000 3:19 pm [link] [6 comments]

Plans are being made for a day in the life of weblogging.
- jim 9-12-2000 2:32 pm [link] [1 comment]

just back from SF, walked the Haight at 7:30 am and went through the Golden Gate Park too, its nice to be in city that was once home and have people whom remember your name
- Skinny 9-12-2000 12:58 am [link] [add a comment]

I haven't developed the taste myself yet, but I know a few of you (mike, steve, ect...) will be pleased to find The Captain Beefheart Radar Station, where you can download a variety of rare live video's and MP3's. Someone with more knowledge should comment on whether this is really the good stuff.
- jim 9-11-2000 9:48 pm [link] [1 comment]

Anybody notice our pal Jeff Lazar in the Village Voice's Mad on the Street feature? (scroll down) Personally, it's not the going back to school that I miss, it's the two month vacation beforehand.
- alex 9-11-2000 9:01 pm [link] [add a comment]

"Splendid Maya Palace Is Found Hidden in Jungle"
- jim 9-11-2000 5:26 pm [link] [1 comment]

Drinks tonight. 5:30. The Local (on Ludlow.) Be there or be [].
- jim 9-08-2000 7:53 pm [link] [add a comment]

Here's a gallery of burning man photos. We should get something together for next year. (via robotwisdom)
- jim 9-08-2000 7:35 pm [link] [6 comments]

Cam had this useful link to the air traffic control system command center where you can check the delay status of flights at any airport in the country.
- jim 9-07-2000 3:37 pm [link] [add a comment]

Summer is a sort of Ocean, but not boundless. A bit of melancholy infects its further shore. We would rather not return to the workaday, but there is nowhere to remain. Only a vagueness that grows chill.

Boy if that doesn't sum it up way beyond my ability to do so. Cheers to Mr. Wilson. I say cheers because I am taking the Wheel's advice concerning my precious sample of cask # 14240, a taste everyday, and what a taste.

And I truly wish I could not relate to you concerning the failing health of your father, but I can, and the eloquence of your grief should not be dismissed as "sophistry." You honor him.
- jimlouis 9-06-2000 10:13 pm [link] [2 comments]

"Harry Potter: Millennial Child" w/ Eugene Schwartz at the Open Center 12/1/00
- Skinny 9-04-2000 1:10 pm [link] [add a comment]

Writing a little script to parse the access logs. Here's some stuff I found out.

People have recently followed links from these pages to Dave's page:

From a side list of links:
Nice comment in the blog itself:

And I'm very pleased to find Mr. Wilson's Arboretum favorably mentioned on: (august 17 entry)

[update: I just saw that we were noted as one of Chrisitine Vachon's links in an interview on I'm going to have to give Rachael's page the points on that one.]
- jim 8-28-2000 4:03 pm [link] [1 ref] [add a comment]

Sitting here at Bill's in Jersey City, as meteorologist, looking at lower Manhattan, looks like rain to me. Take cover people.
- jimlouis 8-28-2000 4:00 pm [link] [13 comments]

I liked Dave's Survivor thinking (Rich won == G.W.Bush will win,) although I tried to parrot this and people weren't buying. Anyway, I only saw a small bit of 2 shows, but this thread (keep clicking 'next in thread') seems full of info from people much more knowledgable than me. Maybe too knowledgeable?
- jim 8-26-2000 10:08 pm [link] [add a comment]

Thanks for the baseball tip Dave. It's even more interesting than I thought it would be (1953 style next inning.) Did they say how they are doing it? Probably its something like the on-the-fly video morphing stuff they use to insert the mph and such (wheel linked to a story on it last week.) Like filters in photoshop, but running real time at 30fps. Cool. I often want to comment on your posts, maybe we could make a discussion page somewhere here that you could link to just for comments from your blogger page.
- jim 8-26-2000 6:38 pm [link] [1 comment]

saving grace - funny british film about a small town (c0rnwall) widow growing (a huge amount of) pot to pay off her husband's debts. worth seeing, if somewhat silly - great corn flakes scene after two local ladies have a tea party (-lb)
- Skinny 8-26-2000 6:26 pm [link] [2 comments]

?????--- NEUROMEDICA - Shulgin Bibliography ... compounds.   [ HOME | INTRODUCTION | CHEMISTRY | PHARMACOLOGY | PEOPLE | LINKS ]     Publications - Dr. Alexander T. Shulgin, PhD.  
- Skinny 8-25-2000 11:36 am [link] [1 ref] [add a comment]