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archive of posts for the year 2001


December31st133947th Day of Christmas: june
30th133666th Day of Christmas: may
29th133445th Day of Christmas: april
28th133284th Day of Christmas: march
27th132983rd Day of Christmas: february
132862nd Day of Christmas: year-in-review: january
25th13264Merry Christmas 2001: evergreen
22nd13217Solstice: winter, and the holidays, are here
November22nd12115Giving and Getting Thanks
12th11714Veteran's Day in Time of War
6th1157212 month & a day: end of mourning
October31st11391a tree between for halloween
8th10521new world? columbus day
September22nd10027fall of towers
4th9483labor day, working and not
August29th9373squint and peer
9th8865can we keep it? some animals are wilder than others
July4th7713Fourth of July: scots in america
June21st7418Edge of Summer: 1st day at the reservoir
17th7316Fatherless Day: mourning, warblers and otherwise
13th7216New in Town: baby birds
May31st6750Put Away the Maypole: last of the merry month
30th6699Beech Party: ornamental trees
28th6642Memorial Day: with chestnuts
17th6248I Went Out One Morning in May: and kept going
13th6089Mother's Day: mine
2nd2624Branching In: excuses, excuses
1st2623Now is the Month of Maying: salutation
April26th2622Whipped: whip-poor-will and pussy willow
15th2621To Rise Again: easter
9th2620Hawking My Wares: red-tailed pics
1st2619Being a Fool: no secret
March22nd2618Strolling Into Spring: picture essay
20th2617First Day of Spring: salutation
17th2616For St Patrick's Day, Something Green: something green
9th2615Litter: winter at ground level
1st2614Ash Wednesday: woodcock for lent
February19th2613An Official US Government Holiday: presidents and pigeons
14th2612Valentine's Day: who gets to love?
2nd2611forecast follow-up
2610Shadowcaster: groundhog day (I've got mine)
January25th2609Settling into Winter: brrr
16th2608Martin Luther King Day: them and us
7th2607Epiphany: recognition
5th260612th Day of Christmas: november
4th260511th Day of Christmas: october
3rd260410th Day of Christmas: september
2nd26039th Day of Christmas: august
26028th Day of Christmas: july (and new year's)