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We had these same address numbers on the house I grew up in. French.

- steve 6-22-2023 8:42 pm [link] [4 comments]


- bill 6-15-2023 8:41 am [link] [1 ref] [add a comment]

RIP John Romita. With a background in romance comics, he was my first favorite illustrator of The Amazing Spiderman, mostly because I liked the way he drew Peter Parker's girlfriends. Later I discovered the genius of Ditko, who's squirmy anatomy and noirish locations and inks I originally found offputting. Ditko remains my favorite of that book's artists, but it was Romita who lured me in.

- steve 6-14-2023 7:09 pm [link] [2 comments]

Indians's Hartley elegies

- bill 6-10-2023 6:44 pm [link] [2 comments]

Sad mess 

- bill 6-01-2023 4:44 pm [link] [add a comment]

LDV deluge series

- bill 6-01-2023 2:06 pm [link] [3 comments]