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Protecting us from Terror! So much effectivity, you can smell it.

- mark 8-08-2007 5:00 am [link] [add a comment]

We've come a long way since the 1964 presidential election in which nuclear weapons were code for "bat shit crazy".

- mark 8-06-2007 7:47 am [link] [add a comment]

I've posted a bunch of stuff from Bruce Schneier over the years. He's the most widely known computer security expert, who has broadened his field greatly after 9/11 and now writes extensively on real world security. I think his technical background serves him very well, and I really am hoping there is some place for him in some under secretary role in a Dem administration. Or short of that I hope they read him at least. If I was president I'd put him in charge of Homeland Security (if for some reason I couldn't abolish that department - or at least rename it!)

Anyway, here's a post of his about the California voting Machine audit results. Follow up post is here. It's a little technical, but not too bad. Long story short: all the machines are easily hackable. We knew this already, but it still is nice to have some actual details. Posted for future reference if nothing else.
- jim 8-05-2007 8:26 pm [link] [1 comment]

they hate us for our freedom.

- dave 7-10-2007 12:10 am [link] [add a comment]

President Bush invoked executive privilege Monday to deny requests by Congress for testimony from two former aides about the firings of federal prosecutors.

The White House, however, did offer again to make former counsel Harriet Miers and one-time political director Sara Taylor available for private, off-the-record interviews.

- bill 7-09-2007 7:10 pm [link] [1 comment]


- bill 7-09-2007 6:06 pm [link] [1 comment]

"heres the plan"

Such efforts may help raise money and win elections, but the chance that they will actually change the court, in the near or medium term, is remote. Even if the Democrats win the White House and hold the Senate, the court’s demographics are likely to trump politics. The average age of the four more liberal justices is 74; the five conservatives average a youthful (for federal judges) 61, with Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. the youngest at 52.

Confronting that reality, some liberal legal scholars suggest that beyond political tactics, what the left urgently needs is a long-term strategy built around an affirmative message of what the Constitution means and what the enterprise of constitutional interpretation should be about.

- bill 7-08-2007 8:07 pm [link] [add a comment]

bush commutes libby's sentence

- bill 7-03-2007 3:08 am [link] [2 comments]

Help Hillary Clinton pick a song.

- tom moody 6-29-2007 1:37 am [link] [add a comment]

"The episode was a defining moment in Cheney's tenure as the 46th vice president of the United States, a post the Constitution left all but devoid of formal authority. "Angler," as the Secret Service code-named him, has approached the levers of power obliquely, skirting orderly lines of debate he once enforced as chief of staff to President Gerald R. Ford. He has battled a bureaucracy he saw as hostile, using intimate knowledge of its terrain. He has empowered aides to fight above their rank, taking on roles reserved in other times for a White House counsel or national security adviser. And he has found a ready patron in George W. Bush for edge-of-the-envelope views on executive supremacy that previous presidents did not assert."

- dave 6-24-2007 7:11 pm [link] [1 comment]

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