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Saturday, Apr 12, 2003

Six Points

WNYC's Brian Lehrer has six points for a post-war antiwar movement to put to the US Government. They're not online yet:

1. large-scale humanitarian aid to Iraq now, internationally administered;
2. a public plan for real democracy in Iraq;
3. details of the "road-map for Middle East (i.e. Israeli-Palestinian) peace" announced last month;
4. addressing the short-comings of American-backed regimes in the Arab world (Egypt and Daudi Arabia in particular);
5. a pledge of no more pre-emptive wars -- i.e. Iraq was a special case;
6. announcing strict limits to US profits from Iraqi oil; i.e. a sunset provision on any American administration of the Iraqi oilfields;

I didn't get it all, but at least it's different from the unrealistic "Troops Out Now" line of such groups as International Answer...

- bruno 4-12-2003 11:43 pm [link] [add a comment]