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Friday, Jun 06, 2003

Boulot, Metro, Dodo

In the middle of a thirteen-day work burst, which includes some 14-hour double shifts, so I have had very little free time -- for this, for TV, for dining out, etc, etc. The job has minor irritations, which would be easier to handle if we were making better money. But I quite like surrendering to the routine for now, the austerity of it. And I am learning some wine-related things too, not just at the high end. Still, it's tiring to spend 8-14 hours on one's feet. I'm short of sleep most days, hungry at midnight. So when I have "down time", instead of spending it planning my next move, or catching up on paperwork, I find myself napping or snacking...and now there's another full-time dependent to take care of around the apartment. More about her in a minute.

By the end of next week I should be able to scale back my restaurant work commitments to five days a week, though nothing's definite yet. I also want to check out what's available in sommelier courses, but I'm still trying to decide whether cramming my head with all that detail is what I want to do. You know, as in "do with my life," not as in "kill some time doing."

Pickles update: The vet says she can't go into the street for another six weeks, when she'll have a last round of immunization shots. Apparently NYC's sidewalks are too rich in bacteria for a ten-week-old puppy to handle. Meanwhile we are training her with disposable pads placed just outside the apartment, so she'll be ready to go outside later.

Her equivalent to the boulot metro dodo (job, subway, bed) triad is "piss/shit, play, sleep," with a tacit fourth term "eat" understood. Being a terrier, she plays in great manic bursts of crazy energy (plus chewing: signs of some teething?). These are punctuated by deep naps. Not unlike a two or three year-old child, really.

- bruno 6-06-2003 6:34 pm [link] [1 comment]