"The widespread introduction of plutonium and plastic into the geological record are deeply intertwined. Perhaps the most substantial difference between “Barbie” and “Oppenheimer” lies only in their respective approaches toward their common subject matter — a difference in attitude that ultimately reflects our own."

- dave 7-19-2023 12:31 pm

If there really is an appetite for this double bill maybe there’s more hope for America than I thought. 

I’m interested in both but don’t promise to go to either, certainly not on the same day.

Thought the Oppenheimer miniseries with Sam Waterston on PBS was great, and arguably definitive, but it seems that was over 40 years ago, so I guess another treatment is fair game.

As for defining a new geologic period, trying to find a marker while you’re in the flux seems problematic given the timescale in question. And makes me think that if nuclear weapons have successfully deterred their own use for 75+ years we shouldn’t relax if we want to consider our species lifespan in geologic time.

- alex 7-20-2023 4:57 pm [add a comment]

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