tried to get back into watching the criterion collection. went with a rewatch of matchstick men which is in the november conmen collection. remember thinking the girl that played cages daughter was cute. then was a little creeped out that the character was 14 but i looked and the actress, alison lohman was 24 and now im creeped out by that age differential instead. 

as it is i got weighed down by my carby dinner and couldnt make it very far. havent looked at ridley scotts entire body of work but seems like an odd turn for him from his more epic endeavors. interesting to note he did not direct a movie til age 40, the duellist, set in the napoleonic wars. his next movie at age 85, napoleon, set to come out any day now. with that kind of symmetry he ought to call it a day. alas he already has gladiator 2 on the agenda for 2024 which seems like kind of a joke but aint.

- dave 11-11-2023 9:18 pm

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