just stumbled on this old hal ashby movie on the tcm app.

- dave 11-21-2023 4:37 pm



- dave 11-21-2023 7:20 pm [add a comment]

Looks worth watching
- bill 11-21-2023 8:51 pm [add a comment]

  • moves pretty quickly. i liked it. some funny scenes mostly skewering the waspy family. some beautifully composed. kind of poignant without being preachy. has a new wave feel. doesnt get bogged down in plot or melodrama but then feels a little bit insubstantial in the end.

    saw a copy on youtube.

    - dave 11-21-2023 9:46 pm [add a comment]

  • Look forward to watching.
    - steve 11-22-2023 10:19 am [add a comment]

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