Visited a friend yesterday and Albert Brooks briefly came up in conversation. I did no searching but my phone was on and in my pocket, today my youtube feed is full of Albert Brooks clips.  We discussed Tom Noonan at length but nada from the spybots. Noonan has the greater output but Brooks has the awards.

- steve 11-28-2023 1:31 am

theres also a new brooks doc from meathead on hbo max so he is probably pumped up at the moment but that is creepy if your phone is listening. probably should see which apps have mic access.

- dave 11-28-2023 9:20 am [add a comment]

I saw a push for AB yesterday. (Super Dave’s brother). You were probably talking about him from a subliminal standpoint. 

- bill 11-28-2023 9:46 am [add a comment]

I didn’t talk, like my phone, just listened.
- steve 11-28-2023 9:58 am [add a comment]

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