seen or heard two positive notices for this japanese godzilla movie. where do they get off stealing our ip though? disgraceful. i should probably check to see if its japanese... nah.

- dave 12-05-2023 4:10 pm

Are you saying Godzilla Minus One trailer uses the same IP address as dmtree?

- steve 12-06-2023 10:43 am [add a comment]

  • yes, it is responsible for all our russian spam bots. it feeds off our dumb jokes that we write in response to them. 

    cant tell if this is a joke or not. ip, of course, is intellectual property in this context.

    - dave 12-06-2023 10:49 am [add a comment]

    • The question was serious and I assume you're joking but still don't get it even if it's about intellectual property instead of IP address.

      - steve 12-06-2023 1:10 pm [add a comment]

      • hollywood has made a bunch of mediocre godzilla related movies (not sure what a good one is to be honest) and now that tv show on apple so i thought it was heartening that a japanese production was getting props for making one that seemed to be better than ours, reclaiming their turf. 

        as for ip, thats a buzzword/acronym that gets bandied about a lot in conversations about movies particularly relation to things like the mcu/star wars. just business jargon that further stamps content as a commodity, something to be packaged and sold devoid of any underlying merit.

        - dave 12-06-2023 1:21 pm [add a comment]

        • I started with the same question as Steve; eventually figured out where you were going but ended up at the old truism about how the explanation of a joke is never funny.
          - alex 12-06-2023 2:16 pm [add a comment]

          • just the acknowledgement that a jokey sentiment i come up with could possibly be construed as funny is probably a win from you, alex. 

            - dave 12-06-2023 2:21 pm [add a comment]

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