might go see dune 2 on tuesday afternoon. never read it. dont really care about it. was underwhelmed by part 1 but am going to be downtown and looked to see what was playing and at theatre i was considering was $8 for a 1pm showing (no lux recliners!). also previously had the thought that to do it justice it might be better to see it in a theater. so all the dots were lining up. 

anybody care about this? whither tom moody to tell us why the source material is just some mid century fascist manifestation? honestly that breathing aparatus i find distracting though its obviously baked in to the source material. also as yet unconvinced zendaya/chalamet are much beyond pretty faces. maybe ive just aged out.


- dave 3-02-2024 10:19 am

- dave 3-02-2024 10:21 am [add a comment]

I was fixated on Tolkien and Marvel which satisfied my fantasy/sci-fi needs to the degree that I didn't get into many of the other genre biggies. I did see Star Wars but was underwhelmed. Dune was around but I never attempted it. If anything, I preferred historical stuff like Homer.
- alex 3-02-2024 11:07 am [add a comment]

  • definitely seen reference to lucas "ripping off" dune for elements of star wars. 

    watched the first two season of foundation on apple which hasnt much buzz but is decent. had a college roommate who had been into asimov as a youth. didnt come up much when i was around. 

    - dave 3-02-2024 11:40 am [add a comment]


- bill 3-03-2024 8:16 am [add a comment]

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