You are Jerry Seinfeld and this is what you come up with as a directorial debut !?

- bill 5-03-2024 8:32 am

its not like he has come up with anything interesting since seinfeld and curbed obviously showed who was the more talented of the two as seinfeld dipped in quality when david left. and he was never a good actor, he just did a good job creating a sitcom-y version of himself.

personally if i was a billionaire id probably rest on my laurels and have coffee with comedians while showing off my car collection. 

now if you dont mind i have a sudden craving for toaster pastries.

- dave 5-03-2024 10:30 am [add a comment]

guess you could give credit to guys like farrell, stiller and apatow who turned around and created production companies to usher in other talent when they lost their fastball. as far as i know seinfeld hasnt done that.

- dave 5-03-2024 10:34 am [add a comment]

True. He does not come off well stating he can’t stand hanging out with anyone but other comedians. An ostentatiously large rare porche collection. And popping off about comedy craft like he was the funny one.
- bill 5-03-2024 12:55 pm [add a comment]

ehh, he was funny i think. he could deliver a joke well but im not sure where he could have gone after seinfeld. all these guys do is travel shows where they can go stay in pricey hotels, eat good food and shoot the shit with friends. maybe there was a mid to late career steve martin path for him but probably he was happiest returning to stand up where he can work sporadically and get that live comedy high.
- dave 5-03-2024 1:34 pm [add a comment]

Funny enough I guess. I liked the show. But he comes off pompous and entitled post show. Part of funny is self effacement and he’s got none of that. Even in the curb finally he saves the day.
- bill 5-03-2024 1:54 pm [add a comment]

Watched unfrosted tonight. Reminded me of Barbie, in a bad way. 

- bill 5-05-2024 9:07 pm [add a comment]

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