I'm okay with 60p production. It's cinematography decision IMHO. It's the only widely available frame rate suitable for sports. But motion interpolation sucks ass. Almost every "enhancement" feature on late model TV's sucks ass. I always go in and turn off noise reduction, edge enhancement and whatever else they do to fuck with the picture. It's all bad.

There was some work to make 24p show up on HD TV as 24p, but I don't think it ever caught on. The 3:2 pull down used to get 24p to 60i also sucks ass, but people have been doing that (out of necessity) since the dawn of TV.

My list of video things that suck:

-fucked up aspect ratios, fucked up letter+pillar boxing, and other fucked up shit from people who can't figure out how to make 4:3 and 16:9 work together.

-interlace. fuck interlace. it was an excellent compromise between spatial and temporal resolution in 19-fucking-30. how the fuck did that shit survive into the 21st century? (okay, that was a rhetorical question, I know how, but that rant is too long)

-30-motherfucking-p. jesus on a fucking popsicle stick, who the fuck thinks 30p is adequate for video? that goddamn shit is all over the fucking internet. fuck that shit. "But tv is thirty frames." bull-fucking-shit! if I hear that goddamn, ignorant, pathetic, shit-eating drivel one more motherfucking time ... tv is sixty fucking fields, which (as mentioned before) sucks ass, but is far superior to that scumsucking dreck known as 30p

-jello-vision. who in god's name thought it was a good idea to take an image sensor out of a fucking still camera and use it to make a video camera? how fucking moronic are people? jesus fucking christ, why not just use a fucking potato? how is it so fucking hard for people to grasp the concept of taking an exposure of the whole motherfucking image all at once?

-yeah, and that motion interpolation stuff is crappy.

- mark 11-02-2014 3:21 am

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