Nudie rodeo tailors, Gram Parsons knock off.

- bill 9-13-2016 3:20 pm

might be from this designer

- dave 9-13-2016 3:40 pm [add a comment]

  • that pot leafed rocker is jenny lewis. she wore this nudie inspired suit a lot on her last tour. 

    - dave 9-13-2016 3:47 pm [add a comment]

  • well that might account for that, but its a dead on knock off of GP's jacket. Nudie is now dead. they closed the shop afterwards but i think an x-employee has reopened and might do repro work of classics as well.


    - bill 9-13-2016 5:19 pm [add a comment]

    • GP is dead too. If it can't happen again songs wouldn't have choruses.
      - alex 9-13-2016 8:23 pm [add a comment]

    • reprised to hear that.
      - bill 9-14-2016 9:10 am [add a comment]

might be their own knock off.

- bill 9-15-2016 7:33 am [add a comment]

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