As usual, I was trying to be funny but it fell flat. There are so many famous and popular movies I haven't seen it's hard to know where to begin but here are a few: Monty Python And The Holy Grail, Forest Gump, Grease, West Side Story, Life Is Beautiful, The English Patient, Like Water For Chocolate, Chocolat, Gone With The Wind.


- steve 6-15-2019 7:05 am

guess your joke required aural or visual cues.

of all of those holy grail and gone with the wind stand out, the first for its cultural currency and the second because it was on tv every year pre-cable like the wizard of oz or sound of music. at some point you were bound to be sucked in. 

havent seen life is beautiful but all the rest besides bits of gump. you seem to have a dearth of juliette binoche in your viewing history.

meanwhile i just turned on the tv and dances with wolves was just starting....

- dave 6-15-2019 11:13 am [add a comment]

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