started both of these at one point but you have to be in the mood and i wasnt. 

- dave 3-23-2020 1:57 pm

How is the mood needed for Happy Valley and The Fall different from the mood needed for these other British crime dramas?

- steve 3-24-2020 6:44 pm [add a comment]

just more about when i engaged with them than anything else. you watch the first few minutes and it doesnt click on a given day. maybe its something about the tone or the acting that gets me. a lot of the procedurals are so character driven or rote that despite being about some heinous crime the focus is really elsewhere. usually its just, do i want to be thinking about some likely grizzly murder right now?
- dave 3-24-2020 7:06 pm [add a comment]

in that case, I suggest you try them again!
- steve 3-24-2020 8:48 pm [add a comment]

  • sarah lancashire is one of my favorite actors.

    - steve 3-24-2020 8:51 pm [add a comment]

  • anyone see black spot? french series with little bit twin peaks vibe.
    - linda 3-25-2020 9:01 pm [add a comment]

  • i cant deal with subtitles much anymore so any quality foreign series i usually avoid.

    i never even saw twin peaks. think i tried to watch it not too long ago but it was a standard def copy and felt dated and slow paced so i bailed.

    - dave 3-25-2020 10:08 pm [add a comment]

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