I’ve been to Paris Texas and I know kit Carson’s brother niki 

- bill 2-13-2021 3:15 am

only interested in relations to the other kit carson.

- dave 2-13-2021 10:28 am [add a comment]

  • They are both direct descendents. 

    - bill 2-13-2021 1:42 pm [add a comment]

  • d'oh!

    just ran across this on my twitter feed. 

    - dave 2-13-2021 2:11 pm [add a comment]

    • My mom and HDS both had the same music teacher a couple years apart in HS. He was a waiter (house boy) at her sorority at UK. 
      "Stanton had two younger brothers, Archie and Ralph, and a younger half-brother, Stanley McKnight. His family had a musical background. Stanton attended Lafayette High School[3] and the University of Kentucky in Lexington where he performed at the Guignol Theatre under the direction of British theater director Wallace Briggs,[4]" 



      - bill 2-13-2021 2:30 pm [add a comment]

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