i got the same but my first guess was also the mummy. didnt look like those cartoony brendan fraser ones but could have been the tom cruise bomb. i still havent seen this movie. still hard for me to take the lead seriously despite his occasional dramatic turns.

- dave 6-12-2022 10:02 am

I feel that way about Will Ferrell. 
I liked the movie and thought Sandler was good.  The only other thing I've seen of his is punch drunk love so even though I know he did a bunch of bad comedy and was on SNL I guess I can take him seriously.


- steve 6-13-2022 8:47 am [add a comment]

Didn't know about the ridiculous six controversy.

- steve 6-13-2022 8:49 am [add a comment]

  • who knew you couldnt make f-troop level jokes in 2015? i wasnt aware of the "controversy." 

    i mostly avoided the sandler comedies like the plague. i was just old enough for them not to be essential outside of bro culture which was vast. i think they were formative for the next gen of teen boys growing up in the 90s.

    he also starred in the apatow movie, funny people, as essentially a version of himself with the mask removed. wasnt terrible. meanwhile apatow seems to only make documentaries about his comedy heroes now though im sure he is producing things as well. he and sandler were roommates before either was famous. pre-snl.

    - dave 6-13-2022 9:32 am [add a comment]

    • well i guess he directed that pete davidson movie, the king of staten island, who always struck me (and others) as a lesser version of sandler. so full circle i guess.

      - dave 6-13-2022 9:42 am [add a comment]

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