Yeah, but all of these actors were practitioners of the method and therefore attempted to transcend posing by plumbing the depths of their psyche and putting something of themselves into their roles.


- steve 7-14-2022 9:26 pm

Which I guess does kind of make them bigger poesrs than the likes of Carey Grant.

- steve 7-14-2022 9:43 pm [add a comment]

All were method? I think I first saw Bridges boys in seahunt reruns. Always loved CG. 

- bill 7-14-2022 9:51 pm [add a comment]

method acting may be an attempt to make your performance feel more authentic by drawing on personal experience (im sure that is an oversimplification)  but you are still pretending to be something you are not. it might reveal truths but all acting is a lie. so, yeah, maybe they are bigger posers than cary grant if he is just closer to playing a version of himself but that self also seems like a well constructed pose and not particularly authentic.

- dave 7-14-2022 10:12 pm [add a comment]

Cary Grant's persona was carefully crafted and far from himself.

My opinion is that if there is a lie it's the script and the actors bring their truth to it.

But I don't believe fiction is ultimately a lie either. 

- steve 7-14-2022 11:27 pm [add a comment]

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