Cool. When is Dave sending out the pirate link?
- alex 1-10-2023 1:04 pm

Seriously, if no distributors want my stuff there's always the bit-torrent route.

- steve 1-10-2023 1:08 pm [add a comment]

  • i thought of that. seems like putting it up on youtube and sending links out to reviewers and hoping for someone to take interest might be a better bet for people seeing it (though you could do both) unless you recut it to add a dance scene with a character that is a quirky, comely teen ready made for tik tok virality.

    - dave 1-10-2023 1:38 pm [add a comment]

  • This is Cannes North, lets focus on the win, the move to LA and 5 movie deal......OK
    - Skinny 1-10-2023 2:18 pm [add a comment]

    • if all else fails i might consider getting canceled and becoming a cause celebre for the right. white male grievance is a growth industry.

      - dave 1-10-2023 2:25 pm [add a comment]

    • I'm pretty sure I will be canceled in the first Q/A
      - steve 1-10-2023 4:21 pm [add a comment]

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