mission accomplished!!  twenty eight more minutes gone by. zero minutes watching. but what a ride we've had. all the way to the basement, in fact with pants. pants on! threw away some garbage then stopped on the first floor to get my packages. thats right, two of em. one with not two but four mop heads and the other with 2.2 lbs of couscous because i ran the numbers and the numbers said buy this one not that one. what kind of couscous you ask? why pearl, of course, as we say on the sixth floor, of couscous. that right the other 2.2 lbs of medium grain couscous came days ago, right, after the toothbrush heads. yes, along with the boxer briefs. wow, im impressed. what, no. still, no whisky. but can we talk about the lights in the elevator? have i mentioned the lights in the elevator? two overhead lights, one warm white, one soft white. as if elevators that shake on the fourth floor and scrape metal on the second arent creepy enough. cant we just get the lighting uniform. its like they dont even care. oh wait, ive brought it up. to blank stares. they dont care. 

ten more minutes flushed.

- dave 3-02-2023 8:16 pm

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