So it wasn't Steve. Well that narrows it down. Nice work. Even nicer when things seem to magically appear. Now if only a nice icon would just show up on every page. We'll call it the automagic icon generator.
- jim 3-08-2001 2:37 pm

Yeah, beauty ! Well done someone.
- bill 3-08-2001 6:04 pm [add a comment]

You mean anyone with a cookie can post pics on pages other than their own? Good thing we're all friends.
- steve 3-08-2001 7:45 pm [add a comment]

  • No, you have to be a member of that page. You could post (pictures or text) to your page, group page, sustenance, or cinefiles (because you are a member) but not to anywhere else. If you own a page you can control who has this access in 'edit this page' (although it is next to broken because you'd have to know people's User ID's - UID's - instead of their names, and there is no way for you guys to figure out UID's. As usual, this will be fixed in the next system.) Still, all in all, I agree, it's a good thing we're all friends.
    - jim 3-08-2001 8:04 pm [add a comment]

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